15.2.11 회사에서 잠깐 사이에..

좀 애틋한 삶의 여러 단면들이 그냥 지나가는 듯 하다. 

핸드카가 상징하는 바도 의미심장하다. 구식의, 2명이 있어야 하는, 그리고 레일위를 달리는...

암튼 초현실적임 -_-;; 

플롯도 줄기도 갈등도 없이 단편적인 어떤 이미지를 통해 느낌을 전달하고자 한다. 

전반적인 분위기는 삶의 허무함과 의미없음^^


한컷 한컷만 보여줌으로써 그 컷 사이를 상상하게 만든다. 

도대체 넬리와 약혼자 딕에게는 무슨일이 있었을까, 넬리는 사생아를 낳았는가?

왜 자살할려고 했을까 아님 그게 타살일까

차를 타고 간 사람은 과연 딕일까 딕의 친구일까, 죽었을까 죽지 않았을까

Titus는 갑부라고 소개되는데 왜 갑자기 진흙탕 위를 달릴까

식초공장은 누가 날렸을까 등등

그리고 마지막으로 왜 Iron hill로 들어간 그들은 나오지 않았을까^^; 

너무 짧아서 전문을 한번 쳐 본다.

One summer afternoon in Willowdale 

Edna, Harry, and Sma wandered down to the railroad station to see if anything was doing

There was nothing on the platform but some empty crates.

Look! said Harry, pointing to a handcar on the siding.

Let's take it and go for a ride

Soon they were flying along the tracks at a great rate.

Little Grace Sprocket, playing in a homemade mud puddle, watched them go by with longing

At Bogus Corners, the next town down the line, 

they stopped to buy soda pop and gingersnaps at Mr Queevil;s store.

How are things over in Willowdale? he asked. ;Dull' they said

A few minutes after they were on their way again, they saw a house burning down in a field.

Whooee said Sam. The engines will never be in time to save it

The next morning they wrote postcards to everybody, telling them what they were dong and

didn't know exactly when they would be back

At 10:17 the Turnip Valley Express rused past.

A frantic face was pressed against a window of the parlor car

Gracious! said Edna. I believe that was Nellie Film.

We were chums at Miss Underfoot's Seminary.

I wonder what can have been the matter

In Chuntney Falls they hunted up the cemetery and peered at the tombstones of Harry's mother's family 

Later they ran into Nellis' beau, Dick Hammerclaw, the local telegraph operator.

He asked if they'd seen her. He seemed upset. 

Near Gristleburg they saw a palatial mansion on a bluff.

That's O Altitudo, said Sma 'the home of Titus W.Blotter, the finanier.

I saw a picture in a magazine.

Several days later a touring car drew up alongside them. 

The driver called out something unintelligible concering Dick before he shot away out of sight.

An undated fragment of the 'Willowdale Triangle', they found caught in a tie inforemd them that

Wobbling Rock had finally fallen on a family having a picnic

In Dogear Junction they paid a call on Edna's cousins, the Zeph Claggs. 

He showed them a few of the prizes from his collection of over 7,000 glass telephone-pole insulators

The following weak Mount Smith came into view in the distance; dark clouds were piling up behind it

During the thunderstorm that ensued, a flash of lighting revelaed a figure creeping up the embankment

Some monthes went by, and still they had not returned to Willowdale

They visited the ruins of the Crampton vinegar works, which had been destroyed by a mysterious explosion the proceeding fall

At Wunksieville they rescued an infant who was hanging from a hook intented form mailbags

How much she remembles Nellie! said Edna. 

They turned her over to the matron of the orphanage in Stovepipe city

From the trestle over Peevish Gorge they spied, the wreck of a touring car at the bottom.

I don't see Dick's friend anywhere said Harry

In Violet Springs they learned that Mrs Regera Dowdy was not receiving visitors,

but through a window they were able to see the desk on which she wrote her poems

As they were going along the edge of the Sogmush River, they passed a man in a canoe

If I'm not mistaken, said Edna he was lurking inside the vinegar works.

Between West Elbow and Penetralia they almost ran over someone who was tied to the track 

It proved to be Nellie.

Despite their entreaties, she insisted on being left at the first grade crossing,

where she got on a bicycle and rode away

That eveing they attend a baked-bean supper at the Halfbath Methodist Church

They're all right said Sam but they're not a patch on Mrs Umlaut's back home

A week later they noticed someone who might be Nellie waling in the grounds of the Weedhaven Laughing Academy

On Sunday afternoon they saw Titus W.Blotter in his shirtsleeves plunge into the Great Trackless Swamp.

In Hiccauphoro they counted the cannon balls in the pyramids on the courthous lawn

At sunset they entered a tunnel in the Iron Hills and did not come out the other end. 

Posted by simonmeo